MUDr. Pavel Tomeš
Gynaecologist, sexologist
A fully qualified gynaecologist with many years of experience.
Pavel specializes in the fields of endometriosis, uterine fibroids, pelvic pain, gynaecological endocrinology, ultrasound diagnosis of endometriosis. He is also fully certified in perinatology ultrasound.
A graduate of the Medical Faculty of Charles University in Pilsen, Pavel has both 1st Attestations and European attestations in Gynaecology and Obstetrics, and also an Attestation in Sexology.
He is a member of the Czech Medical Chamber, the Czech Society of Gynaecology and Obstetrics, the Sexological Society of the Czech Medical Association ČLS JEP and the Department of Gynaecological Sexology of the ČGPS.
For years he has been working in the Gynaecology and Obstetrics department at the University Hospital in Pilsen, which is the leading centre for the diagnosis and therapy of endometriosis and fibroids.
Privately, Pavel also works in a private Sexology Clinic in Pilsen and at the Markin Health & Beauty Clinic.
He is an active participant in domestic and foreign conferences and seminars in the fields of Gynaecology and Sexology.
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Kontakt Gynekologie Praha 6
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Naše centrum najdete na Praze 6 v centru Delta A – 5. patro,
hned vedle zastávky autobusů 225, 191 a 108 (Sídliště na Dědině) a tramvaje 20, 26.
Popřípadě využijte možnost rezervace přes e-mail a nebo nám prostě zavolejte na +420 608 872 851.
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Gynekologie, porodnictví a estetická medicína v Praze


12:00 – 14:00

15:00 – 20:00


08:00 – 12:00

13:00 – 17:00


08:00 – 12:00

13:00 – 20:00


08:00 – 12:00

13:30 – 17:00


08:00 – 12:00